
Instrumental studies consist of weekly private lessons, ensemble lessons, and music theory classes. The application periods are as follows: for studies beginning in the spring, from November 4 to December 5, and for studies beginning in the fall, from May 5 to May 22. The application period starts at 9:00 AM.


About the Studies

Student placements are assigned in the order of registration. The chances of admission improve if no specific location preferences are indicated in the application. Basic-level studies are primarily intended for children and young people. The Open Department allows students to study without specific learning objectives and is mainly designed for adults. We accept adult students into the Open Department whenever possible.
We notify new students of their placement via email. Applicants who are not offered a place will also be informed by email. Applications from students who do not receive a placement will be kept on a waiting list for the next semester, and we will contact them if cancellations occur. The confirmation letter for a student placement includes details about the lesson location and schedule.
Please note that purchasing an instrument should be done with the guidance of a teacher.
To apply, please submit the application form. You can find the form via the link below—click the “Application” button to proceed.

Tuition Fees

The costs of educational activities are covered as follows:
53% state funding
27% tuition fees
20% City of Espoo
Tuition fees
The due date for the fall semester tuition fee is August 31, and for the spring semester, it is January 31.
Playing in string orchestras and rhythm music bands, music theory studies, music technology courses, and choir participation are all considered group instruction. These subjects are included in the tuition fee for students enrolled in soloist studies at the basic and music institute levels.
Soloist subject lessons are private lessons. In addition to in-person teaching, instruction may also be provided remotely if necessary.
Students who discontinue their studies in the middle of a semester are required to pay the full tuition fee. However, if the discontinuation is due to illness, relocation, or other similar reasons, the principal may grant a fee reduction upon a written request.
The Board of the Musiikkiopisto Avonia Support Association may, upon application, grant full scholarships or fee reductions based on consideration. Written applications must be submitted by August 20.

Additional information

Sähköinen laskutus

Musiikkiopisto Avonia sends student invoices electronically. We kindly ask families to ensure that we have a valid email address for the guardian and/or the student. The invoice will be sent to the guardian’s email for minor students or directly to the student’s email if they are of legal age.
subject: Invoice from Musiikkiopisto Avonia
Receiving and Paying the Invoice:
–Open the invoice, save it to your device, or print it
–Use the reference number when making the payment.
A 5€ billing fee will be added to payment reminders.
Invoice Inquiries:, 010 420 1082


Fundamentals of Solo Instrument Studies

30 min per week private lesson

300 €

45 min per week private lesson

360 €

Advanced Studies in Solo Instrument

60 min per week private lesson360 €

Basic and advanced music studies include individual instrument lessons, music theory studies, and ensemble playing.

Sibling Discount

A sibling discount of -30 € is granted when multiple children from the same household are studying in the fundamental or advanced courses. The discount will be automatically applied in one invoice.

Music Playschool (30-45 min)

115 €

Rythmics (30-45 min)

135 €

ukulele group (30-45 min)200 €
children’s choir Ainova 95 €

The Open Department is intended for adult students. We accept students as opportunities arise.

Open 1

Fall semester 17 teaching weeks
Spring semester 18 teaching weeks

30 min per week private lessons570 €
45 min per week private lessons850 €
Music technology125 €
Open 2

Fall semester 12 teaching weeks
Spring semester 12 teaching weeks

30 min per week private lessons395 €
45 min per week private lessons590 €

The fee for the open department’s instruction does not include group subjects.

registration fee (new students) 
15 €

instrument rental / semester 
50-100 €

payment reminder   
5 €

Avonia Music Institute
Kannusillanmäki 6
Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 4:15 PM
010 420 1083
“Working together makes learning easier. Learning should be accompanied by positive experiences.”