The Avonia Music Institute offers music playgroup education in collaboration with local daycare centres. Groups are available at the Hösmärinpuisto, Luhtaniitty, Maininki, Nupuri, Paapuuri, Tuomarila, and Ymmersta daycare centers, as well as the Honey Monsters Daycare (in Olari and Tuomarila) and the Montessori Children’s House.
At the daycare centres, Music Playgroup is integrated into the overall daily schedule, forming a part of the daycare’s overall early childhood education activities. Lessons are held in groups, and they are designed for children aged from 3 to 5 who attend daycare.
Preschoolers, in their turn, can participate in rhythmics lessons. These are held at the Hösmärinpuisto, Nupuri, Paapuuri, and Ymmersta daycare centers as well as at Karhusuo School. Rhythmics lessons introduce children to different instruments and develop the musical skills learned in music playgroup.
This teaching is based on a partnership agreement defined by the Espoo City Education and Early Childhood Education Board, for providing basic arts education in daycare centers.